
Cultivation Strategies to Modify Biomass Partitioning and Improve Yield in Controlled-environment Production of High-cannabidiol Cannabis (Cannabis sativa L.)

Abstract Two common challenges reported by cannabis growers are [...]

2025-01-15T09:17:15+01:0015 January 2025|Cultivation|

The influence of drying and storage conditions on the volatilome and cannabinoid content of Cannabis sativa L. inflorescences

Abstract The increasing interest in hemp and cannabis poses [...]

2024-12-20T09:38:33+01:0020 December 2024|Cultivation|

Photons from NIR LEDs can delay flowering in short-day soybean and Cannabis: Implications for phytochrome activity

Abstract Photons during the dark period delay flowering in [...]

2024-12-18T11:35:56+01:0018 December 2024|Cultivation|

Microwave-infrared drying of cannabis (Cannabis sativa L.): Effect on drying characteristics, energy consumption and quality

Abstract Conventional cannabis drying is time-consuming and energy intensive. [...]

2024-12-18T08:19:55+01:0018 December 2024|Cultivation|

Effect of Light Intensity and Two Different Nutrient Solutions on the Yield of Flowers and Cannabinoids in Cannabis sativa L. Grown in Controlled Environment

Abstract Due to the typical production of Cannabis sativa [...]

2024-12-17T11:35:32+01:0017 December 2024|Cultivation|

Harvesting Light: The Interrelation of Spectrum, Plant Density, Secondary Metabolites, and Cannabis sativa L. Yield

Abstract The approaching legalisation and associated increasing demand for [...]

2024-12-12T12:09:50+01:0012 December 2024|Cultivation|

Symptomology, prevalence, and impact of Hop latent viroid on greenhouse-grown cannabis (Cannabis sativa L.) plants in Canada

Abstract The incidence of Hop latent viroid (HLVd) affecting [...]

2024-12-10T08:30:15+01:0010 December 2024|Cultivation|
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