LED light modifies plant architecture, physiological parameters and cannabinoid content in three varieties of Cannabis sativa L.
Abstract Changes in the light spectrum elicit responses in development and secondary metabolite biosynthesis and storage. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of two light sources on the physiological and [...]
Solid-State Microwave Drying for Medical Cannabis Inflorescences: A Rapid and Controlled Alternative to Traditional Drying
Introduction As the medical use of Cannabis is evolving there is a greater demand for high-quality products for patients. One of the main steps in the manufacturing process of medical Cannabis is drying. Most [...]
Response of Medical Cannabis to Magnesium (Mg) Supply at the Vegetative Growth Phase
Abstract Recent studies demonstrated a significant impact of some major macronutrients on function and production of medical cannabis plants, yet information on the effect of most nutrients, including Mg, is scarce. Magnesium is required [...]
Influence of different UV spectra and intensities on yield and quality of cannabis inflorescences
Abstract The raising economic importance of cannabis arouses interest in positively influencing the secondary plant constituents through external stimuli. One potential possibility to enhance the secondary metabolite profile is the use of UV light. [...]
Cannabis Use and Age-Related Changes in Cognitive Function From Early Adulthood to Late Midlife in 5162 Danish Men
Abstract Introduction: Cannabis is by far the most widely used and abused drug listed on the Drug Enforcement Administration's Schedule I, which includes drugs with a high potential for abuse. There is evidence of [...]
Protective Effects of (E)-β-Caryophyllene (BCP) in Chronic Inflammation
Abstract (E)-β-caryophyllene (BCP) is a bicyclic sesquiterpene widely distributed in the plant kingdom, where it contributes a unique aroma to essential oils and has a pivotal role in the survival and evolution of higher [...]
Mapping and characterization of a novel powdery mildew resistance locus (PM2) in Cannabis sativa L
Abstract Breeding genetic resistance to economically important crop diseases is the most sustainable strategy for disease management and enhancing agricultural and horticultural productivity, particularly where the application of synthetic pesticides is prohibited. Powdery mildew [...]
Enhancing Endocannabinoid Control of Stress with Cannabidiol
Abstract The stress response is a well-defined physiological function activated frequently by life events. However, sometimes the stress response can be inappropriate, excessive, or prolonged; in which case, it can hinder rather than help [...]