
Fungal and mycotoxin contaminants in cannabis and hemp flowers: implications for consumer health and directions for further research

Medicinal and recreational uses of Cannabis sativa, commonly known [...]

2024-09-16T12:08:41+02:0016 September 2024|Cultivation, Science|

Indoor grown cannabis yield increased proportionally with light intensity, but ultraviolet radiation did not affect yield or cannabinoid content

Abstract Cannabis (Cannabis sativa) flourishes under high light intensities (LI); [...]

2024-09-11T08:21:57+02:0011 September 2024|Cultivation|

The role of red and white light in optimizing growth and accumulation of plant specialized metabolites at two light intensities in medical cannabis (Cannabis sativa L.)

The cultivation of medical cannabis (Cannabis sativa L.) is [...]

2024-09-10T14:03:16+02:0010 September 2024|Cultivation|
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